Free Caricature Software For Mac

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Free Cartoon Making Software Free Cartoon Animation Software For Mac Osx. Inkscape is a free software program that has imaging editing and creating abilities similar to Adobe Illustrator. Inkscape is an open software that will run on a variety of programs, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. Here are some features that Inkscape provides. Cartoonize yourself with Prima Cartoonizer, the best cartooning tool since 2015. You can cartoon yourself online in a few clicks, with amazing cartoon effects. Prima is now available as a desktop software for windows with offline conversion.

This page lists free programs or tools which you can use to create graphic images, edit pictures, manipulate ormodify digital photographs (photos), create animations (animated graphics),create logos foryour website, and otherwise draw or paint an image. The tools often handle a variety of formats, such as GIF,JPEG (JPG), PNG, TIF, BMP, and others.

If you need something to stitch photographs together to create a particularly wide-angled panoramic photograph (or even tall photographs or360 degree shots), you might find one of the programs on theFree Photo / Image Stitching Software: Make a Panoramafrom Separate Pictures easier to use than manually piecing the photos together.

NOTE: If you are here looking for the 3D graphics software that was previously listed on this page, please note that theyhave been moved to their own page, theFree 3D Graphics Software:Create 3D Content for Games, Videos, Film and Animation page.

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Free Drawing and Painting Programs, Photo Editing Software and Animation Creation Software

Synfig Studio (Windows, macOS, Linux)

Synfig is an open source software that lets you create artwork and 2D animation. You can operate on bitmapimages as well as vector shapes. It features a variety of layer types (geometric, gradients, filters, distortions,transformations, fractals, etc), a bone system to facilitate making cutout animations, easy manipulation ofany vector shape, the ability to link parameters of various layers (directly or via mathematical expressions), etc.

Krita (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

Krita is a digital sketching and painting software for a number of systems. It has a wide variety of brushesincluding pixel, smudge, duplicate, filter, hairy, hatching, texture, chalk, colour ('color' inUS English)smudge, curve, deform, dyna, experiment (Alchemy), grid, particle, sketch and spray. Other features includethe ability to rotate or mirror your canvas; vector tools like normal text, artistic text, calligraphy, selection, path,fill and gradient; raster tools like a number of shapes and lines (eg, ellipse, polygon, rectangle, star, etc), crop,move, perspective grid, the ability to select in different ways (eg, freehand, polygon, outline, etc) and act onthat selection (eg to fill it), zoom, pan, etc; layer management; filters (eg, colour adjustment, brightness, contrast,desaturate, raindrops, oil paint, pixelize, motion blur, sharpen, gaussian noise removel, etc — there are fartoo many to list here); support for different colour models (RGBA, Gray, CMYKA, Law, YCbCr, XYZ) and colour management; etc.It supports numerous file formats for import and export, such as PSD (ie Photoshop images), PNG, JPEG, JPEG-2000,Windows BMP, TIFF, PDF, PPM, PGM, PBM, EXR, OpenRaster document, etc. Supported platforms include Windows,Mac OS X and Linux.

Free Caricature Software For Mac
mtPaint (Windows, Linux)

This program, mtPaint, lets you create 'pixel art' and manipulate digital photographs. It presents you with a pixel grid ofyour picture, at varying zoom levels, so that you can accurately paint or edit it. It works with pressure sensitive graphics tablets,supports multiple layers (up to 100, at the time this was written), has numerous brush patterns, user-defined gradients, undo,multiple image clipboards, gamma correction, a variety of effects (eg, invert, greyscale, isometric transformations, edge detect,sharpen, 'unsharp' mask, soften, Gaussian blur, emboss, etc), crop, rescaling,screen capture, etc.The program works in Windows and Linux, and is open source, under the GNU General Public License.

Pencil — 2D Animation Software (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

Pencil is an open source (free) animation drawing software that runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. You can use it to draw picturesthat you can string together to form an animation or cartoon. This cartoon can be exported as a series of PNG images, in a Flash file format(which you can exhibit on your own website)or as a QuickTime movie (the QuickTime movie export only works in the Mac OS X version at the moment). Sound can also be added to cartoon.The program supports both bitmap and vector graphics.

AvancePaint (Windows)

This paint program lets you draw, paint, apply photographic effects, sharpen, soften, blur, brighten, darken, etc(too many to list). It handles JPG, BMP, GIF, WMF, ICO, DIB and PNG file formats. There are also additionalplugins and textures that you can download to add to the program's existing features.

Helios Paint (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

This freeware paint program may be used to create and edit images on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Unix. It requiresyou to have the Java Runtime Environment installed. Features include a pencil for editing pixels, a variety of lines(curved, straight, freehand), a paint brush with resizable heads, a spray can with resizable nozzle and a global spray facility,shape tools (star, moon, heart, regular polygon, freehand), paint can with colour bleed sensitivity, text entry,HSB/RGB/contrast/gamma adjustment, image filters (invert, grey, black and white, colour, sharpen, blur, edge feathering,edge detection, oil painting effect, emboss), image colour and transparency adjustment, zoom in and out, selection andmoving tools (scissors, lasso, wand), undo and redo, printing with page auto-fit, etc.

RealWorld Paint (Windows)

This image editor lets you create and modify JPG, PNG, BMP and other types of raster images. It supports layers with effects,has many drawing tools that can do gamma-blending and color gradient interpolation, has sub-pixel accuracy,the usual assortment of tools (magic wand, transformation, brushes, rectangles, ellipses, polygons, etc) and filters(drop shadow, blur, bevel, colour corrections, etc), supports PhotoShop plugins as wellas customizations using JavaScript, etc.

Dia (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

Dia is a diagram creation program inspired by the commercial 'Visio'. A drawing program rather than a painting one, it has many facilities to help youdraw diagrams, including special objects for drawing entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, etc. It saves files toa custom XML format, but can also export to other formats like EPS, SVG, XFIG, WMF and PNG. Other features include the ability to print multi-page diagrams.Dia works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Source code is also available.

IrfanView (Windows)

IrfanView is primarily an image viewer that can double as a simple image editor that can perform tasks like resizing of images, converting imagesbetween formats, renaming of files, etc. It is able to perform batch conversion of images and pictures as well as batch renaming of files, whichis a handy feature when you have many files you need to process.

GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD)

GIMP allows you to create and edit images and photos. It has the usual facilities found inmany commercial paint programs such as a variety of paint tools (Brush, Airbrush, Pencil, Clone, custom brushes and patterns, etc),full alpha channel support, layers and channels, transformation tools (rotate, scale, sheer, flip), multiple undo and redo, selection tools(rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, intelligent, bezier, polygonal), animation support (including MNG), numerous file formats (BMP, GIF,JPEG, MNG, PCX, PDF, PS, PSD, PNG, SVG,TIF, TGA, XPM, etc) including conversion between different file formats, and so on. Supported systemsinclude Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD and Sun Solaris. This is an open source program.

Tux Paint (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, iOS, Android, Blackberry, etc)

Tux Paint is a drawing software designed for young children. It has cute looking buttons, sound effects and a mascot that encourages childrenas they use the program. Supported systems include Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, iOS for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad,Android phones, Blackberry Playbook tablets, BeOS, OS/2, Sharp Zaurus PDAs, andNokia 770/N800/N900 internet tablets and smartphones.

Paint.NET (Windows)

Paint.NET is an image and photo manipulation program that supports layers, unlimited undo and redo, special effects,drawing tools (tools for drawing shapes, splines, Bezier curves, etc), etc. It runs under Windows 7 or newer. It requiresthe Microsoft .NET Framework (hence its name).

Inkscape - open source scalable vector graphics editor (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

Inkscape is a scalable vector graphics (SVG) editor. It is open source, and versions are available for Windows,Mac OS X and Linux.

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It will appear on your page as:

Any software that allows you to make animations on Mac? The list of 2021 best animation apps can help you make 2D and 3D animations, gif pictures, short cartoons, and more easily on Mac.

I need to make a short animation, my goal is simple as follows. I need something simple but yet looks pretty decent. What is the best animation software for Mac, 2D or 3D is both OK:
1) making humans is easy, they don't have to look too real, just cartoony is fine
2) human dialogues, speaking gestures are important
3) being able to adjust the setting is important, create different settings
4) human movement does not need to be too complex, but basic things like walking ---- Online forum

Nowadays we see more and more people creating animated videos on social media. Short animated videos and gif pictures are funny and engaging, with information easily transmitted to viewers and catch the their attention. It is indicated that 65% of people are visual learners. Today's topic centers on the best animation programs for Mac users to make 2D or 3D animation. You can make short animated videos, gif pictures, funny cartoons and further get the avi, flv, quicktime animations upload to YouTube, FaceBook or other social sites, no matter you're a beginner or an advanced user.

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Top Best Animation Programs for Mac (2D & 3D)

Digicel Flipbook

For beginners starting with 2D animations, Flipbook is the very first 2D animation program to free download on macOS from 10.7 or later. This animation maker software for Mac makes it extremely easy to make great 2D animated movies, while being extremely easy. You can draw into FlipBook, shoot rough drawings, scan, add soundtracks, pan, zoom, rotate, import backgrounds, export movies (QuickTime, AVI) and do more.

Flipbook is available for free trial and the limited version is priced at $19.99. Note that this 2D animation software for macOS generates still image only, and won't support GIF pictures.

Anime Studio

Anime Studio has almost everything you need for creating amazing 2D animated videos. The software has both beginner and professional versions, with a massive mix of powerful 2D rigging system and useful animation tools. The animation movies created with this Mac animation maker software will be available in QuickTime, AVI or SWF.

Free Caricature Software For Mac

The Anime Studio Debut, which is available for $69.99, has limits like a maximum size of 768 pixels x 768 pixels and 3000 frames, no support for image output etc. You can get the best animation app for Mac free download and trial for 30 days.


Pencil2D is an open-source and free animation/drawing software for macOS which is by far the most comprehensive animation tool given that it's totally free. The Mac animation programs supports two types of layers, namely anime songs and sound, bitmap images, camera and vector images, which makes it easy to adjust frame timing. A big bonus feature of the free 2D animation software for Mac is that it can export animated files in FLV and GIF format.

Overall, Pencil2D is a good choice for beginners to start with free drawing programs, but it may not be suitable for professional projects.


Blender is an open source, free 3D animation programs for macOS to model, animate, render and edit computer-generated graphics and video. Given it's 3D animation freeware for Mac, it may not match with paid programs like Maya and Lightwave in certain aspects, but it has plenty of decent options for making professional 3D animation videos/3D movies (e.g. VR rendering, Modeling, Sculpt, UV etc). You can not only create 3D animations, but even develop video games, e.g., it can be used as a minecraft animation maker software for Mac.

Though this free animation software for Mac is quite popular among users, it's in fact complicated to use. Even advanced users can't get started with it immediately.


Maya is currently the king among high-end 3D animations software for Mac and Windows. Priced at $1,470.00/year, it has everything you need to create 3D animated movies, games, TVs or short videos. Maya is extremely powerful 3D software and is considered an industry standard in the film and video game industries. The program offers free 30-day trail, so you can free download it to Mac and try it out.

Software to create caricatures

Considering the expensive price and complicated operation, Maya is not suitable for those who are beginners and may not use all its features. Maya is always up to date, so you need to keep learning and be patient if you decide to start with it.

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Photo To Cartoon

More Options of Animation Programs for Mac

Synfig Studios - Free. Open-source and free 2D animation maker software for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Easy to use.
Tupi - Free. User-friendly 2D animation software for Mac, Windows and Linux. Suitable for beginners.
Toon Boom - Paid (starting from USD $23 monthly) but offers free trial. A powerful 2D animation video software for macOS. Suitable for professional entry.
Cinema 4D - $190 for a month license. A piece of professional 3D anime studio for macOS and Windows. It has been widely used to make high budget box officehits. Free trial provided.
Lightwave - $695.00. One of the best 3D animation programs for macOS that will well fit high-end animators and movie makers. It offers a 30 day free trial.
K-3D - Another free anime software for Mac, Windows, Linux to make 3D animated movies/videos. It features full set of basic tools for general requirements.

Upload Animated Videos/Movies to YouTube, FaceBook

After you create your own 2D/3D animations, you may want to play on other device or upload to YouTube, FaceBook, or other social sites to share with others. As those animation maker software for Mac is very limited on the output formats (e.g., Flipbook supports QT and AVI, Anime Studio generates qt, avi or swf), you may need a third-party helper to convert it.

MacX Video Converter Pro will convert among any video formats for you. You can easily put your animated videos for YouTube, Instagram, FaceBook or iPhone, iPad, Samsung etc. The speed is quite fast and no quality loss is observed. Plus, it also help free download anime series, movies, videos or soundtracks from online sites (1000+ supported) to give you more choices on animation resources.

Free Caricature Software For Mac Free

MacX Video Converter Pro - Convert/Download Animated Movies

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MacX Video Converter Pro can easily convert animated videos created by any macOS animation software from AVI, QuickTime MOV, FLV to MP4, H264, 3GP, YouTube, FaceBook, iPhone, iPad, Android etc, and also free download animations from 1000 more video sites with high quality.

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